//Sam Partovi CS1A Chapter 8, P 488, #8
* ____________________________________________________________
* This program compares the efficiencies of linear and binary search algorithms
* by searching through an array of specified values and counting the number of
* comparisons needed for each algorithm to complete the search.
* ____________________________________________________________
* ARRAY_SIZE: Size of array to be searched
* targetValue: Given number to be located in array
* array: Array of numbers to be searched
* linearCounter: Counter for linear search comparisons
* binaryCounter: Counter for binary search comparisons
* linearResult: Index of number found via linear search
* binaryResult: Index of number found via binary search
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
const int ARRAY_SIZE = 20; //INPUT - Size of array to be searched
int LinearSearch(const int, int, int[], int&);
int BinarySearch(const int, int, int[], int&);
int main() {
int targetValue = 3000; //INPUT - Given number to be located in array
//INPUT - Array of numbers to be searched
int array[ARRAY_SIZE] = {124, 125, 163, 168, 182, 185, 195, 204, 206, 209, 785,
858, 915, 1592, 1597, 2000, 2005, 2025, 2090, 3000};
int linearCounter = 0; //OUTPUT - Counter for linear search comparisons
int binaryCounter = 0; //OUTPUT - Counter for binary search comparisons
int linearResult; //OUTPUT - Index of number found via linear search
int binaryResult; //OUTPUT - Index of number found via binary search
//Call LinearSearch function
linearResult = LinearSearch(ARRAY_SIZE, targetValue, array, linearCounter);
//Display linear search results
cout << "LINEAR SEARCH: Number is in index " << linearResult;
cout << "\nTook " << linearCounter << " comparisons";
//Format output
cout << "\n-----------------------------------\n";
//Call BinarySearch function
binaryResult = BinarySearch(ARRAY_SIZE, targetValue, array, binaryCounter);
//Display binary search results
cout << "BINARY SEARCH: Number is in index " << binaryResult;
cout << "\nTook " << binaryCounter << " comparisons\n";
//Determine the most efficient search algorithm
if(linearCounter < binaryCounter) {
cout << "\nThe linear search is more efficient in this case.";
else if(linearCounter == binaryCounter) {
cout << "\nLinear and binary searches are equally efficient in this case.";
else cout << "\nThe binary search is more efficient in this case.";
return 0;
//Definition for LinearSearch function:
// This function performs a linear search on the given array and returns the
// index of the targetValue and counts the number of comparisons made.
int LinearSearch(const int ARRAY_SIZE, int targetValue, int array[],
int &linearCounter) {
//Search for targetValue in array
for(int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
linearCounter++; //Increment counter
if(array[i] == targetValue) {
return i;
return -1;
//Definition for BinarySearch function:
// This function performs a binary search on the given array and returns the
// index of the targetValue and counts the number of comparisons made.
int BinarySearch(const int ARRAY_SIZE, int targetValue, int array[],
int &binaryCounter) {
int first = 0; //First number in the array
int last = ARRAY_SIZE - 1; //Last number in the array
while(first <= last) {
int middle = (first + last) / 2; //Find midpoint
binaryCounter++; //Increment counter
if(array[middle] == targetValue) return middle; //Return if found
else if(array[middle] < targetValue) first = middle + 1; //If top half
else last = middle - 1; //If bottom half
return -1;