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  1. //*******************************************************
  2. //
  3. // Assignment 4 - Arrays
  4. //
  5. // Name: Adam Steeves
  6. //
  7. // Class: C Programming, Fall 2024
  8. //
  9. // Date: November 10, 2024
  10. //
  11. // Description: Program which determines overtime and
  12. // gross pay for a set of employees with outputs sent
  13. // to standard output (the screen).
  14. //
  15. //********************************************************
  17. #include <stdio.h>
  19. // constants to use
  20. #define SIZE 5 // number of employees to process
  21. #define STD_HOURS 40.0 // normal work week hours before overtime
  22. #define OT_RATE 1.5 // time and half overtime setting
  24. int main()
  25. {
  28. // Declare variables needed for the program
  29. // Recommend an array for clock, wage, hours,
  30. // ... and overtime hours and gross.
  31. // Recommend arrays also for normal pay and overtime pay
  32. // It is OK to pre-fill clock and wage values ... or you can prompt for them
  34. // unique employee identifier
  35. long int clockNumber [SIZE] = {98401, 526488, 765349, 34645, 127615};
  37. float grossPay [SIZE]; // weekly gross pay - normal pay + overtime pay
  38. float hours [SIZE]; // hours worked in a given week
  39. int i; // loop and array index
  40. float normalPay [SIZE]; // normal weekly pay without any overtime
  41. float overtimeHrs[SIZE]; // overtime hours worked in a given week
  42. float overtimePay [SIZE]; // overtime pay for a given week
  44. // hourly pay for each employee
  45. float wageRate [SIZE] = {10.6, 9.75, 10.5, 12.25, 8.35};
  47. printf ("\n*** Pay Calculator ***\n\n");
  49. // Process each employee one at a time
  50. for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
  51. {
  53. // TODO - Prompt and Read in hours worked for employee
  54. printf("Enter hours worked by employee %ld:" , clockNumber[i]);
  55. scanf ("%f", &hours[i]);
  57. // Calculate overtime and gross pay for employee
  58. if (hours[i] >= STD_HOURS)
  59. {
  60. overtimeHrs[i] = hours[i] - STD_HOURS;
  61. // TODO: Calculate arrays normalPay and overtimePay with overtime
  62. normalPay[i] = STD_HOURS * wageRate[i];
  63. overtimePay[i] = overtimeHrs[i] * OT_RATE * wageRate[i];
  64. }
  65. else // no OT
  66. {
  67. overtimeHrs[i] = 0;
  68. // TODO: Calculate arrays normalPay and overtimePay without overtime
  69. normalPay[i] = hours[i] * wageRate[i];
  70. overtimePay[i] = 0;
  71. }
  73. // Calculate Gross Pay
  74. grossPay[i] = normalPay[i] + overtimePay[i];
  75. }
  77. // TODO: Print a nice table header
  78. printf("\nClock Wage Hours OT Gross Pay");
  79. printf("-----------------------------");
  80. // Now that we have all the information in our arrays, we can
  81. // Access each employee and print to screen or file
  82. for (i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
  83. {
  84. // TODO: Print employee information from your arrays
  85. for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) {
  86. printf("%06ld %.2f %.1f %.1f %.2f\n", clockNumber[i], wageRate[i], hours[i], overtimeHrs[i], grossPay[i]);
  87. }
  88. }
  90. return(0);
  91. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0s 5288KB
*** Pay Calculator ***

Enter hours worked by employee 98401:Enter hours worked by employee 526488:Enter hours worked by employee 765349:Enter hours worked by employee 34645:Enter hours worked by employee 127615:
Clock      Wage     Hours     OT       Gross Pay-----------------------------098401   10.60    51.0    11.0   598.90
526488   9.75    42.5    2.5   426.56
765349   10.50    40.0    0.0   420.00
034645   12.25    37.5    0.0   459.38
127615   8.35    0.0    0.0   0.00
098401   10.60    51.0    11.0   598.90
526488   9.75    42.5    2.5   426.56
765349   10.50    40.0    0.0   420.00
034645   12.25    37.5    0.0   459.38
127615   8.35    0.0    0.0   0.00
098401   10.60    51.0    11.0   598.90
526488   9.75    42.5    2.5   426.56
765349   10.50    40.0    0.0   420.00
034645   12.25    37.5    0.0   459.38
127615   8.35    0.0    0.0   0.00
098401   10.60    51.0    11.0   598.90
526488   9.75    42.5    2.5   426.56
765349   10.50    40.0    0.0   420.00
034645   12.25    37.5    0.0   459.38
127615   8.35    0.0    0.0   0.00
098401   10.60    51.0    11.0   598.90
526488   9.75    42.5    2.5   426.56
765349   10.50    40.0    0.0   420.00
034645   12.25    37.5    0.0   459.38
127615   8.35    0.0    0.0   0.00