// Assignment 9 - Linked Lists
// Name: Sovanna Mann
// Class: C Programming, Fall 2024
// Date: 11/14/24
// Description: Program which determines overtime and
// gross pay for a set of employees with outputs sent
// to standard output (the screen).
// This assignment also adds the employee name, their tax state,
// and calculates the state tax, federal tax, and net pay. It
// also calculates totals, averages, minimum, and maximum values.
// Array and Structure references have all been replaced with
// pointer references to speed up the processing of this code.
// A linked list has been created and deployed to dynamically
// allocate and process employees as needed.
// Call by Reference design (using pointers)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h> // for char functions
#include <stdlib.h> // for malloc
// Define constants
#define STD_HOURS 40.0
#define OT_RATE 1.5
#define MA_TAX_RATE 0.05
#define NH_TAX_RATE 0.0
#define VT_TAX_RATE 0.06
#define CA_TAX_RATE 0.07
#define DEFAULT_TAX_RATE 0.08
#define NAME_SIZE 20
#define TAX_STATE_SIZE 3
#define FED_TAX_RATE 0.25
#define FIRST_NAME_SIZE 10
#define LAST_NAME_SIZE 10
// Define a global structure type to store an employee name
struct Name {
char firstName[FIRST_NAME_SIZE];
char lastName[LAST_NAME_SIZE];
// Define a global structure type to pass employee data between functions
struct Employee {
struct Name empName;
char taxState[TAX_STATE_SIZE];
long int clockNumber;
float wageRate;
float hours;
float overtimeHrs;
float grossPay;
float stateTax;
float fedTax;
float netPay;
struct Employee *next;
// This structure type defines the totals of all floating point items
struct Totals {
float total_wageRate;
float total_hours;
float total_overtimeHrs;
float total_grossPay;
float total_stateTax;
float total_fedTax;
float total_netPay;
// This structure type defines the min and max values of all floating point items
struct MinMax {
float min_wageRate;
float min_hours;
float min_overtimeHrs;
float min_grossPay;
float min_stateTax;
float min_fedTax;
float min_netPay;
float max_wageRate;
float max_hours;
float max_overtimeHrs;
float max_grossPay;
float max_stateTax;
float max_fedTax;
float max_netPay;
// Define prototypes here for each function except main
struct Employee *getEmpData(void);
int isEmployeeSize(struct Employee *head_ptr);
void calcOvertimeHrs(struct Employee *head_ptr);
void calcGrossPay(struct Employee *head_ptr);
void printHeader(void);
void printEmp(struct Employee *head_ptr);
void calcStateTax(struct Employee *head_ptr);
void calcFedTax(struct Employee *head_ptr);
void calcNetPay(struct Employee *head_ptr);
void calcEmployeeTotals(struct Employee *head_ptr, struct Totals *emp_totals_ptr);
void calcEmployeeMinMax(struct Employee *head_ptr, struct MinMax *emp_minMax_ptr);
void printEmpStatistics(struct Totals *emp_totals_ptr, struct MinMax *emp_minMax_ptr, int theSize);
int main() {
// Set up head pointer in the main function to point to the
// start of the dynamically allocated linked list nodes that will be
// created and stored in the Heap area.
struct Employee *head_ptr; // always points to first linked list node
int theSize; // number of employees processed
// Set up structure to store totals and initialize all to zero
struct Totals employeeTotals = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
// Pointer to the employeeTotals structure
struct Totals *emp_totals_ptr = &employeeTotals;
// Set up structure to store min and max values and initialize all to zero
struct MinMax employeeMinMax = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
// Pointer to the employeeMinMax structure
struct MinMax *emp_minMax_ptr = &employeeMinMax;
// Read the employee input and dynamically allocate and set up our
// linked list in the Heap area. The address of the first linked
// list item representing our first employee will be returned and
// its value is set in our head_ptr. We can then use the head_ptr
// throughout the rest of this program anytime we want to get to the
// beginning of our linked list.
head_ptr = getEmpData();
// With the head_ptr now pointing to the first linked list node, we
// can pass it to any function that needs to get to the starting point
// of the linked list in the Heap. From there, functions can traverse
// through the linked list to access and/or update each employee.
// Important: Don't update the head_ptr ... otherwise, you could lose
// the address in the heap of the first linked list node.
// Determine how many employees are in our linked list
theSize = isEmployeeSize(head_ptr);
// Skip all the function calls to process the data if there
// was no employee information to read in the input
if (theSize <= 0) {
// Print a user-friendly message and skip the rest of the processing
printf("\n\n**** There was no employee input to process ***\n"); } else {
// Perform calculations and print out information as needed
// Calculate the overtime hours
// Calculate the weekly gross pay
// Calculate the state tax
// Calculate the federal tax
// Calculate the net pay after taxes
// Keep a running sum of the employee totals
calcEmployeeTotals(head_ptr, emp_totals_ptr);
// Keep a running update of the employee minimum and maximum values
calcEmployeeMinMax(head_ptr, emp_minMax_ptr);
// Print the column headers
// Print out final information on each employee
// Print the totals and averages for all float items
printEmpStatistics(emp_totals_ptr, emp_minMax_ptr, theSize);
// Indicate that the program completed all processing
printf("\n\n *** End of Program *** \n");
return 0; // success
// Function: getEmpData
// Purpose: Obtains input from user: employee name (first and last),
// tax state, clock number, hourly wage, and hours worked
// in a given week.
// Information is stored in a dynamically created linked
// list for all employees.
// Parameters: void
// Returns:
// head_ptr - a pointer to the beginning of the dynamically
// created linked list that contains the initial
// input for each employee.
struct Employee *getEmpData(void)
char answer[80]; // user prompt response
int more_data = 1; // a flag to indicate if another employee
// needs to be processed
char value; // the first char of the user prompt response
struct Employee *current_ptr, // pointer to current node
*head_ptr; // always points to first node
// Set up storage for first node
= (struct Employee
*)malloc(sizeof(struct Employee
)); current_ptr = head_ptr;
// Process while there is still input
while (more_data)
// Read in employee first and last name
printf("\nEnter employee first name: "); scanf("%s", current_ptr
firstName); printf("\nEnter employee last name: "); scanf("%s", current_ptr
// Read in employee tax state
printf("\nEnter employee two character tax state: "); scanf("%s", current_ptr
// Read in employee clock number
printf("\nEnter employee clock number: "); scanf("%li", ¤t_ptr
// Read in employee wage rate
printf("\nEnter employee hourly wage: "); scanf("%f", ¤t_ptr
// Read in employee hours worked
printf("\nEnter hours worked this week: "); scanf("%f", ¤t_ptr
// Ask user if they would like to add another employee
printf("\nWould you like to add another employee? (y/n): ");
// Check first character for a 'Y' for yes
if ((value
= toupper(answer
[0])) != 'Y') {
// No more employees to process
current_ptr->next = NULL;
more_data = 0;
else // Yes, another employee
// Set the next pointer of the current node to point to the new node
= (struct Employee
*)malloc(sizeof(struct Employee
)); // Move the current node pointer to the new node
current_ptr = current_ptr->next;
} // while
return head_ptr;
// Function: isEmployeeSize
// Purpose: Traverses the linked list and keeps a running count
// of how many employees are currently in our list.
// Parameters:
// head_ptr - pointer to the initial node in our linked list
// Returns:
// theSize - the number of employees in our linked list
int isEmployeeSize(struct Employee *head_ptr)
struct Employee *current_ptr; // pointer to current node
int theSize; // number of linked list nodes
// (i.e., employees)
theSize = 0; // initialize
// Assume there is no data if the first node does
// not have an employee name
if (head_ptr->empName.firstName[0] != '\0')
// Traverse through the linked list, keep a running count of nodes
for (current_ptr = head_ptr; current_ptr; current_ptr = current_ptr->next)
++theSize; // employee node found, increment
return theSize; // number of nodes (i.e., employees)
} // isEmployeeSize
// Function: printHeader
// Purpose: Prints the initial table header information.
// Parameters: none
// Returns: void
void printHeader(void)
printf("\n\n*** Pay Calculator ***\n");
// Print the table header
printf("\n--------------------------------------------------------------"); printf("-------------------"); printf("\nName Tax Clock# Wage Hours OT Gross "); printf("\n--------------------------------------------------------------"); printf("-------------------"); } // printHeader
// Function: printEmp
// Purpose: Prints out all the information for each employee
// in a nice and orderly table format.
// Parameters:
// head_ptr - pointer to the beginning of our linked list
// Returns: void
void printEmp(struct Employee *head_ptr)
// Used to format the employee name
struct Employee *current_ptr; // pointer to current node
// Traverse through the linked list to process each employee
for (current_ptr = head_ptr; current_ptr; current_ptr = current_ptr->next)
// While you could just print the first and last name in the printf
// statement that follows, you could also use various C string library
// functions to format the name exactly the way you want it. Breaking
// the name into first and last members additionally gives you some
// flexibility in printing. This also becomes more useful if we decide
// later to store other parts of a person's name. I really did this just
// to show you how to work with some of the common string functions.
, current_ptr
firstName); strcat(name
, " "); // add a space between first and last names strcat(name
, current_ptr
// Print out current employee in the current linked list node
printf("\n%-20.20s %-2.2s %06li %5.2f %4.1f %4.1f %7.2f %6.2f %7.2f %8.2f", name, current_ptr->taxState, current_ptr->clockNumber,
current_ptr->wageRate, current_ptr->hours,
current_ptr->overtimeHrs, current_ptr->grossPay,
current_ptr->stateTax, current_ptr->fedTax,
} // for
} // printEmp
// Function: printEmpStatistics
// Purpose: Prints out the summary totals and averages of all
// floating point value items for all employees
// that have been processed. It also prints
// out the min and max values.
// Parameters:
// emp_totals_ptr - pointer to a structure containing a running total
// of all employee floating point items
// emp_minMax_ptr - pointer to a structure containing
// the minimum and maximum values of all
// employee floating point items
// theSize - the total number of employees processed, used
// to check for zero or negative divide condition.
// Returns: void
void printEmpStatistics(struct Totals *emp_totals_ptr,
struct MinMax *emp_minMax_ptr,
int theSize)
// Print a separator line
printf("\n--------------------------------------------------------------"); printf("-------------------");
// Print the totals for all the floating point items
printf("\nTotals: %5.2f %5.1f %5.1f %7.2f %6.2f %7.2f %8.2f", emp_totals_ptr->total_wageRate,
// Make sure you don't divide by zero or a negative number
if (theSize > 0)
// Print the averages for all the floating point items
printf("\nAverages: %5.2f %5.1f %5.1f %7.2f %6.2f %7.2f %8.2f", emp_totals_ptr->total_wageRate / theSize,
emp_totals_ptr->total_hours / theSize,
emp_totals_ptr->total_overtimeHrs / theSize,
emp_totals_ptr->total_grossPay / theSize,
emp_totals_ptr->total_stateTax / theSize,
emp_totals_ptr->total_fedTax / theSize,
emp_totals_ptr->total_netPay / theSize);
// Print the min and max values for each item
printf("\nMinimum: %5.2f %5.1f %5.1f %7.2f %6.2f %7.2f %8.2f", emp_minMax_ptr->min_wageRate,
printf("\nMaximum: %5.2f %5.1f %5.1f %7.2f %6.2f %7.2f %8.2f", emp_minMax_ptr->max_wageRate,
// Print out the total employees processed
printf("\n\nThe total employees processed was: %i\n", theSize
); } // printEmpStatistics
// Function: calcOvertimeHrs
// Purpose: Calculates the overtime hours worked by an employee
// in a given week for each employee.
// Parameters:
// head_ptr - pointer to the beginning of our linked list
// Returns: void (the overtime hours get updated by reference)
void calcOvertimeHrs(struct Employee *head_ptr)
struct Employee *current_ptr; // pointer to current node
// Traverse through the linked list to calculate overtime hours
for (current_ptr = head_ptr; current_ptr; current_ptr = current_ptr->next)
// Any overtime?
if (current_ptr->hours >= STD_HOURS)
current_ptr->overtimeHrs = current_ptr->hours - STD_HOURS;
else // no overtime
current_ptr->overtimeHrs = 0;
} // for
} // calcOvertimeHrs
// Function: calcGrossPay
// Purpose: Calculates the gross pay based on the normal pay
// and any overtime pay for a given week for each
// employee.
// Parameters:
// head_ptr - pointer to the beginning of our linked list
// Returns: void (the gross pay gets updated by reference)
void calcGrossPay(struct Employee *head_ptr)
float theNormalPay; // normal pay without any overtime hours
float theOvertimePay; // overtime pay
struct Employee *current_ptr; // pointer to current node
// Traverse through the linked list to calculate gross pay
for (current_ptr = head_ptr; current_ptr; current_ptr = current_ptr->next)
// Calculate normal pay and any overtime pay
theNormalPay = current_ptr->wageRate *
(current_ptr->hours - current_ptr->overtimeHrs);
theOvertimePay = current_ptr->overtimeHrs *
(OT_RATE * current_ptr->wageRate);
// Calculate gross pay for employee as normalPay + any overtime pay
current_ptr->grossPay = theNormalPay + theOvertimePay;
} // calcGrossPay
// Function: calcStateTax
// Purpose: Calculates the State Tax owed based on gross pay
// for each employee. State tax rate is based on the
// designated tax state where the employee is
// performing the work. Each state decides their tax rate.
// Parameters:
// head_ptr - pointer to the beginning of our linked list
// Returns: void (the state tax gets updated by reference)
void calcStateTax(struct Employee *head_ptr)
struct Employee *current_ptr; // pointer to current node
// Traverse through the linked list to calculate the state tax
for (current_ptr = head_ptr; current_ptr; current_ptr = current_ptr->next)
// Make sure tax state is all uppercase
[0] = toupper(current_ptr
[0]); current_ptr
[1] = toupper(current_ptr
// Calculate state tax based on the tax state
if (strcmp(current_ptr
, "MA") == 0) {
current_ptr->stateTax = current_ptr->grossPay * MA_TAX_RATE;
else if (strcmp(current_ptr
, "NH") == 0) {
current_ptr->stateTax = current_ptr->grossPay * NH_TAX_RATE;
else if (strcmp(current_ptr
, "VT") == 0) {
current_ptr->stateTax = current_ptr->grossPay * VT_TAX_RATE;
else if (strcmp(current_ptr
, "CA") == 0) {
current_ptr->stateTax = current_ptr->grossPay * CA_TAX_RATE;
current_ptr->stateTax = current_ptr->grossPay * DEFAULT_TAX_RATE;
} // for
} // calcStateTax
// Function: calcFedTax
// Purpose: Calculates the Federal Tax owed based on the gross
// pay for each employee
// Parameters:
// head_ptr - pointer to the beginning of our linked list
// Returns: void (the federal tax gets updated by reference)
void calcFedTax(struct Employee *head_ptr)
struct Employee *current_ptr; // pointer to current node
// Traverse through the linked list to calculate the federal tax
for (current_ptr = head_ptr; current_ptr; current_ptr = current_ptr->next)
// Calculate the federal tax for the current employee
current_ptr->fedTax = current_ptr->grossPay * FED_TAX_RATE;
} // for
} // calcFedTax
// Function: calcNetPay
// Purpose: Calculates the net pay as the gross pay minus any
// state and federal taxes owed for each employee.
// Essentially, their "take home" pay.
// Parameters:
// head_ptr - pointer to the beginning of our linked list
// Returns: void (the net pay gets updated by reference)
void calcNetPay(struct Employee *head_ptr)
float theTotalTaxes; // the total state and federal tax
struct Employee *current_ptr; // pointer to current node
// Traverse through the linked list to calculate the net pay
for (current_ptr = head_ptr; current_ptr; current_ptr = current_ptr->next)
// Calculate the total state and federal taxes
theTotalTaxes = current_ptr->stateTax + current_ptr->fedTax;
// Calculate the net pay
current_ptr->netPay = current_ptr->grossPay - theTotalTaxes;
} // for
} // calcNetPay
// Function: calcEmployeeTotals
// Purpose: Performs a running total (sum) of each employee
// floating point member item stored in our linked list
// Parameters:
// head_ptr - pointer to the beginning of our linked list
// emp_totals_ptr - pointer to a structure containing the
// running totals of each floating point
// member for all employees in our linked
// list
// Returns:
// void (the employeeTotals structure gets updated by reference)
void calcEmployeeTotals(struct Employee *head_ptr,
struct Totals *emp_totals_ptr)
struct Employee *current_ptr; // pointer to current node
// Traverse through the linked list to calculate a running
// sum of each employee floating point member item
for (current_ptr = head_ptr; current_ptr; current_ptr = current_ptr->next)
// Add current employee data to our running totals
emp_totals_ptr->total_wageRate += current_ptr->wageRate;
emp_totals_ptr->total_hours += current_ptr->hours;
emp_totals_ptr->total_overtimeHrs += current_ptr->overtimeHrs;
emp_totals_ptr->total_grossPay += current_ptr->grossPay;
emp_totals_ptr->total_stateTax += current_ptr->stateTax;
emp_totals_ptr->total_fedTax += current_ptr->fedTax;
emp_totals_ptr->total_netPay += current_ptr->netPay;
} // for
// No need to return anything since we used pointers and have
// been referencing the linked list stored in the Heap area.
// Since we used a pointer as well to the totals structure,
// all values in it have been updated.
} // calcEmployeeTotals
// Function: calcEmployeeMinMax
// Purpose: Accepts various floating point values from an
// employee and adds to a running update of min
// and max values
// Parameters:
// head_ptr - pointer to the beginning of our linked list
// emp_minMax_ptr - pointer to the min/max structure
// Returns:
// void (employeeMinMax structure updated by reference)
void calcEmployeeMinMax(struct Employee *head_ptr,
struct MinMax *emp_minMax_ptr)
struct Employee *current_ptr; // pointer to current node
// *************************************************
// At this point, head_ptr is pointing to the first
// employee .. the first node of our linked list
// As this is the first employee, set each min
// and max value using our emp_minMax_ptr
// to the associated member fields below. They
// will become the initial baseline that we
// can check and update if needed against the
// remaining employees in our linked list.
// *************************************************
// Set to first employee, our initial linked list node
current_ptr = head_ptr;
// Set the min to the first employee members
emp_minMax_ptr->min_wageRate = current_ptr->wageRate;
emp_minMax_ptr->min_hours = current_ptr->hours;
emp_minMax_ptr->min_overtimeHrs = current_ptr->overtimeHrs;
emp_minMax_ptr->min_grossPay = current_ptr->grossPay;
emp_minMax_ptr->min_stateTax = current_ptr->stateTax;
emp_minMax_ptr->min_fedTax = current_ptr->fedTax;
emp_minMax_ptr->min_netPay = current_ptr->netPay;
// Set the max to the first employee members
emp_minMax_ptr->max_wageRate = current_ptr->wageRate;
emp_minMax_ptr->max_hours = current_ptr->hours;
emp_minMax_ptr->max_overtimeHrs = current_ptr->overtimeHrs;
emp_minMax_ptr->max_grossPay = current_ptr->grossPay;
emp_minMax_ptr->max_stateTax = current_ptr->stateTax;
emp_minMax_ptr->max_fedTax = current_ptr->fedTax;
emp_minMax_ptr->max_netPay = current_ptr->netPay;
// ******************************************************
// Move to the next employee
// If this is the only employee in our linked list
// current_ptr will be NULL and will drop out of the
// for loop below, otherwise, the second employee
// and rest of the employees (if any) will be processed
// ******************************************************
current_ptr = current_ptr->next;
// Traverse the linked list
// Compare the rest of the employees to each other for min and max
for (; current_ptr; current_ptr = current_ptr->next)
// Check if current Wage Rate is the new min and/or max
if (current_ptr->wageRate < emp_minMax_ptr->min_wageRate)
emp_minMax_ptr->min_wageRate = current_ptr->wageRate;
if (current_ptr->wageRate > emp_minMax_ptr->max_wageRate)
emp_minMax_ptr->max_wageRate = current_ptr->wageRate;
// Check if current Hours is the new min and/or max
if (current_ptr->hours < emp_minMax_ptr->min_hours)
emp_minMax_ptr->min_hours = current_ptr->hours;
if (current_ptr->hours > emp_minMax_ptr->max_hours)
emp_minMax_ptr->max_hours = current_ptr->hours;
// Check if current Overtime Hours is the new min and/or max
if (current_ptr->overtimeHrs < emp_minMax_ptr->min_overtimeHrs)
emp_minMax_ptr->min_overtimeHrs = current_ptr->overtimeHrs;
if (current_ptr->overtimeHrs > emp_minMax_ptr->max_overtimeHrs)
emp_minMax_ptr->max_overtimeHrs = current_ptr->overtimeHrs;
// Check if current Gross Pay is the new min and/or max
if (current_ptr->grossPay < emp_minMax_ptr->min_grossPay)
emp_minMax_ptr->min_grossPay = current_ptr->grossPay;
if (current_ptr->grossPay > emp_minMax_ptr->max_grossPay)
emp_minMax_ptr->max_grossPay = current_ptr->grossPay;
// Check if current State Tax is the new min and/or max
if (current_ptr->stateTax < emp_minMax_ptr->min_stateTax)
emp_minMax_ptr->min_stateTax = current_ptr->stateTax;
if (current_ptr->stateTax > emp_minMax_ptr->max_stateTax)
emp_minMax_ptr->max_stateTax = current_ptr->stateTax;
// Check if current Federal Tax is the new min and/or max
if (current_ptr->fedTax < emp_minMax_ptr->min_fedTax)
emp_minMax_ptr->min_fedTax = current_ptr->fedTax;
if (current_ptr->fedTax > emp_minMax_ptr->max_fedTax)
emp_minMax_ptr->max_fedTax = current_ptr->fedTax;
// Check if current Net Pay is the new min and/or max
if (current_ptr->netPay < emp_minMax_ptr->min_netPay)
emp_minMax_ptr->min_netPay = current_ptr->netPay;
if (current_ptr->netPay > emp_minMax_ptr->max_netPay)
emp_minMax_ptr->max_netPay = current_ptr->netPay;
} // for
// No need to return anything since we used pointers and have
// been referencing all the nodes in our linked list where
// they reside in memory (the Heap area)
} // calcEmployeeMinMax